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Can you practice from a different bunker than one?

The rules are by taking a variable exchange from bunker?

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Golf Rules is deceptive! Fortunately, we have guru. Our rules guy knows the book before. You have a question? You have all the answers.

I have heard that if your ball is in a hydrone, you can enter another pitch room to take the touching changes. But I translate the law of 12,2B as it means all bunkers are equally worthy. Is it true? – Roy Shin, by email

Guy rules are firmly on “Bunker’s departure to bunker” should address firmly in sandy grocery than hopcotching between the traps to test the surface. But none of us made the rules, Roy, just playing for them.

While there is a time there is a prisoner in the test clause “the same risks,” that limit and the Temales have gone away the Hickory Shaft method.

The Banker 12.2B works at Bunker where the ball is available, so there is nothing in the rules that prevent a person from taking a changing practice in the adjacent area of ​​players and courses.

Further guidance of bunker from our guru, read to …

Golf Ball on sand of sand. No people.

Laws Guy: Can you use Itee to test the bunker depth before beating?


Laws Guy

My Football booked Greeside Bunker was stored with a rake so that it did not get the slopes to the bottom of the border. I suggested my partners who play with me to raise a rake, which allowed the ball to fold down until the border was under the ground. Nonetheless, that’s what it would have done so if the rake was not yet there. Thoughts? – Bruce Gardner, Springs, South Africa

It sounds reasonable, Bruce … alone is not the right procedure.

There is no penalty to remove the rake and cause the ball into the process. However, you are required to replace the ball in its original place, by 15.2 laws. If the ball does not live there after you try twice, then under the law 14.2

Rules of gravity and Golf’s laws are not always a person.

You need help don’t mean anything greens in your home course? Take a green book from Golf Logix.

Did you get a question about rules? Ask these rules! Submit your questions, toothpacks and comments at Mormmerguy@ganaw. We promise that he will never condemn this book.

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