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Few films cannot cover history, culture and good personality as Los frikisThe story that enlightened the punk Subculture in 1990s Cuba and the negative sacrifices of a group of people who risk HIV infections such as ways to restate their independence. Directed by Mike and Tyler Green, Los frikis It is a moving film that leads a ripe, brethren, and is to survive against conflict.
In this special discussion, I had the right to speak and the filmhead, Hector Medina (Kotton, Sergio & Sergei) and new Eros de la PuenteThe two brothers’ exposure to two brothers and chaos and very commendable moods. Medina, who brings the wealth of experience and energy to her role, showing that music, clothing, and spirits in Cuban Punk how he set up his character and appreciated his work. At that time, De la Puente, in his film, open the challenges and conquest of entering the role of emotional emotions and historical trust.
From their connection to the account of the background magical issue that brings important moments of life, Hector and Eros offer attractions in making Los frikis. Here is an interview where we enter their creative trips, Punks, and deep emotional times that describe this unique film.
On ‘Los Frikis’ (photo credit: Lord Miller)
Awayush Sharma: Congrats on the success team ‘Los Frikis’ – a very good and touching story. My first question, Eros, is about your behavior, which serves his brother, Paco, but we face a difficult emotional trip in every film. As the first actor working in your Rut Movie, have you ever talked about the viewpoint of your person’s understanding of the whole story?
Eros de la Puente: I think that allows me to be ready. Like, even if I didn’t do that moment, even if I didn’t have this brother or every brother, just to be easy to be. . So I say that was a big step, not just as a character, like Gustavo and Paco, but I think everything was well organized because she was like an elderly brother. You have more information than I am, and he was a man who directed me on a trip. Therefore, a relative of the occurrence, we do the same as those who happened to the movie without a movie, you know. I think the process, like me trying to be Paco in a strange way or try to get my paco happened. It just happened like the appearance of our amazing relationship. We are like two others.
Awayush Sharma: Hector, Punk Subculture plays a major role in your character’s ownership. Music, Cloth, clothing, and cultural activities affect and let your exposure?
Hector Medina: The rock and the rolly wind helped me a lot. I mean I’m always looking for freedom. And Cuban Tropical Punk, there is a special group. I mean, to be a punk in Cuba during those moments was very difficult. And those people were like that, dared. The courage. Cuba, at the time, listening to American music forbidden. To have long hair, it was a ban. Thinking differently, was a ban. For that spirit from the tropical Cuban giant, he urged me greatly. I can just be done. Being a while, he is angry, hungry, and wild. Those two things are most helpful.

Hector Medina as Paco in ‘Los Frikis’ (Lov Miller Credit)
Awayush Sharma: Hector, born in the late 1980’s, and the story was set in the 1990s, said that it grew in real life when these events took place in Cuba. While you grow up, have you heard news about lost news and HIV-injury? Also, is your opinion of these people changed while working in this film?
Hector Medina: Yes Yes. I, I was born in 1989. I remember when I saw the first Freaky, I was like five years old, six, and my younger told me, “don’t look at him.” Don’t look, people, and crazy people. But I was interested in this, these people were very different, saying, in the Communist land, a hot country. Just think. That looks very different – long hair, clothes worn. The first time I saw electric guitar, noise, was very different. And then, 13 years, I met Helson, a living now. I think you are the last freaky, the last, the only living people, the only African life that they are HIV-positive. And I met her at that time, and she was very handsome, kind, carefully protected, young boys in the area, because I was in the area, where they put the paradise between my city. It was a different culture, different people. I mean, I fell in love, and those people like that, I joined myself.
Awayush Sharma: Eros, this is your first film as an actor, and before this, you worked in a short film. Now, here is the amazing film, if people don’t know, being nominated for 6 prizes in filmmakers in Latino Entertainment-Calleng for that! As an actor working in your first film, how was your experience?
Eros de la Puente: It was very difficult for the beginning because I was used to all these new things, and I had to be prepared for the best of my behavior. Before there, I used to do Theater, when everything happened to order, but with a movie, it was shot in a row. So, I had to know exactly where my character was in the movie. That was very challenging. But when I have all this information and I’m completely prepared, I get to set up as the best thing ever. My knowledge and research came across Hector’s research and everyone’s research, and everything came together. We have caused this magical to a say that I made me feel like a very comfortable boy in the world. Every fear disappeared. I didn’t even think – I was right now, I react to Hector, I react to Adia, and answer at every little set. Eventually it was too easy to do.

Eros de la Puente and Adria Arjana in ‘Sol Frikis’ (Picture Credit: Lord Miller)
Alyush Sharma: The last place, where your character tells your brother to have the most effective, powerful, powerful aids. The camaraderie and the deep obligation we see between you and two then go. Can you take the incident? How did you talk, and what emotions like while delivering those conversations and shot that place?
Hector Medina: Oh, I love that event Los frikis. Also, that incident was my thrift. Oh, when I made that event, the next day, Mike and Nyler, the directors, called for me, said, “You got a job.” And that place, from the first day to the movie, I held all my feelings that day. It was a wonderful experience to make that event and Mike and Tyler together because we build a character together. They wanted to get to the place where I cried and laugh at the same time. We had to make a wonderful last place because it was the last condition, and we had to make sure that it works, or the movie would not. That day was very happy because we did well.
Eros de la Puente: I think we have done well. And I remember just that day – it was such pressure but also a wonderful day because we had this good moment before shooting the place. We were together, chat – no, not to speak, I will correct myself – sitting next to each other. Why am I already there? You know, we were now sitting next to each other silent, not talking. And then we went on, and made the event. And we just see this so much, the invisible cable connects us. And it was good.
‘Los Frikis’ You are coming soon to broadcast.
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