Luke Skywalker Is Only Alive Because of a Royal Misconception
By Chris Snellgrove | Published
Luke Skywalker pulls off a lot of amazing things in Star Wars thanks to his mysterious abilities, but his most amazing achievement had nothing to do with the Force. That’s right we’re talking about his ability to escape the second Death Star despite it still being crawling with Stormtroopers who could have easily killed him when he dragged Darth Vader’s body to a nearby port. However, another fan theory may explain how Luke survived: simply put, all the Imperials would have left Luke alive because they thought he had just killed both Vader and Emperor Palpatine.
Luke Skywalker is awesome
As viewers, we know what happened at the end of the Return of the Jedi: after nearly giving in to his rage and destroying Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker throws his lightsaber to the ground and surrenders. Next, Palpatine begins to rob the young Jedi with Force lightning, and is only stopped by Darth Vader throwing his boss down the shaft. Vader then died from the lightning that coursed through his body, but since none of the Imperials witnessed the clash of thrones or Vader’s deathbed rescue, they would conclude that Luke Skywalker is the most formidable enemy in the galaxy.
Consider this: In the Imperials aboard the Death Star, Luke enters the throne room of Emperor Palpatine, their boss and the scariest guy they know. The film begins by showing us how the very idea of Palpatine’s arrival on the space station reduced Moff Jerjerrod to a state of complete preoccupation and fear. The Imperials saw Luke enter Palpatine’s throne room in chains and come out alive and free… the only logical conclusion is that he somehow managed to kill or defeat Palpatine, and no rank and file Stormtrooper will want to fight the guy who succeeded. took the Emperor.
At this point, skeptics will point out that not everyone aboard the Death Star knew of Luke Skywalker’s existence; it was actually a closely guarded secret. Therefore, very few Imperials could see that this young warrior had done the impossible and escaped the clutches of the most powerful man in the galaxy. It would be it is impossible missing another important detail, however: that Luke Skywalker is dragging what appears to be Darth Vader’s corpse.
Darth Vader’s body
Palpatine was an invisible threat to most Imperials, but Vader was visible. This is a guy who commands Star Destroyers and visits military bases, quickly killing even the senior officers who annoy him. He was the scourge of all Imperial service, the kind that anyone aboard the Death Star would fear to see. Yet here comes a small lamb dragging the Sith Lord’s corpse into the shuttle bay as if taking a large bag of garbage from the garbage disposal.
None of this is to diminish Luke Skywalker’s power or his many accomplishments, but the ongoing lesson of the Star Wars prequels is that all it takes to kill even the most powerful Jedi is enough people firing blasters at once. Luke could have it easily he was killed anytime on the Death Star, but he survived because everyone thought he just killed the most powerful people in the galaxy. He survives because of a simple misunderstanding, although some would say this is just proof that the Force works in mysterious ways.
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