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The first order would have finally weaving Skywalker’s Star War Files

Chris Snellgrove | Published

Song, a shocking start of Star Wars Sequal Trilogy was a sudden death of the original Trilogy hero Luke Skalkerker in Last jed. That film shows this as a good sacrifice; Luke gives his life (like Obi-Wan Berno Before him) to help Rey, Leia, and all resistance and escape from the first command. However, the films make it clear that the first order would soon harm them in the near future, illegally performing the sacrifice of Luke Skwalker.

First order was scheduled

Star Wars Hux

In a large part, astrological sequence has not broken the original trigilogy. Of course, resistance, it was meant to be anallous to the rebels, until the Leia is their leader. The first order is designed to appear in the Kingdom, but it is worse than their thoroughly, without resisting, Luklalker was still about to live.

The reason for this is that the first order is both for both and harm it, unlike the State. In New HopeWe see Darth Vader Force expose colleagues, but he stood doing so in the Grand Morf Tarkin command. The message was clear: This is a colorful characters, but the excess of the vades are kept tested by the Galaxy-Spanning Bureaucracy Espanning apostates with such a serious problem.

Now, the first order order was Kylo Ren, just as Luke Skalkerker was Red. But we see Ren as an unstable ball of fury. He is the type of man who starts to destroy the company’s property whenever he has HISY. If The Power That Issues He has taught us anything about the Kylo Ret, that is just a bad day away from craving for burning his baby around his child around like angry baby.

Luke Skywalker

But the Kyllo Reck story is jointly jacked in unaware of the original order and potential saltwalker. Ren, simply, has not been a miracle in the organization. Instead, only the only Fascist only is the power of space wizard. He is also part of an organization set up by the next installation without one shot, but the disturbance of good boys was composed of many people, including Galaxy’s Master Jedi Master.

Inevitable destructive irresistance regardless of the first order by a military organization following the principles of SIT. Basically, they rewarded those who kill their kings. Kylo Ren, for example, kills and kills and immediately consider the title of the higher. Left for their devices, first-order members can continue to kill their leaders until they die very dead or strangled, leaving a non-Skwalker Skwalker.

In addition, the first order was limited to installation because they preferred destruction because of the defeat, as proved by that feces The Power That Wakes Up The moment when these bad people destroyed the whole star system, including the new capital of the Republic. The empire was wise to use the death star as a tool for compulsory obedience, but Kylo ren and the company just seek to burn the planets under destruction. In short, first order was forever Finding State Access, and Luke Skywalker cycle could live if these villains were allowed to deteriorate.

Last jed

Don’t get it wrong: The first order is probably one of the most cool things about Sequaly’s deepest Sequel’s faeces. However, these villains are so good that it is impossible to take them seriously, and it is clear that they would make your folks, especially in palpatine to decide. And that the first order is allowed to die in itself, just think: Rebel Hero Luke’s Skywalker is still alive.

Of course, it can be a bit of color and brings Luke. Given that, we don’t that He was broken that he was dead.

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