Rebecca Mikoff announces will not return to Rame

Rebecca Minkoff
Taylor Hill / WiremageRebecca MinkoffTime Real Mothers Best York City It’s gone.
Minkoff, 42, took Instagram on Tuesday, February 4 – the same night when the second half of the season appeared Turondo Reunages were taken by Bravo – to announce his traveling in a series of real after one season.
“I’m so thankful for the experience, friendship and followers who were part of this Turondo Chapter, “The fashion designer wrote in the white text against the black background.” Time to change the page. “
Minkoff simply chose posts, “#Newchapter.”
US of Week reached the network representative to comment.
Mitkoff’s announcement followed the conversation he had made with Us Earlier in that day, which was discussed why he did not publicly speak about his religion, science, when he appeared Turondo. Minkoff told Us During the “never exposed in a way that respected.”
His Instagram post is also here on many projects that will first place in Miskiff’s life to be the remainder of the year. “2025 The new start for me and the current events in the world, I’m reminded [of] Family Importance, Friends and Public Now more than ever, “Monkoff wrote me a new idea, my supported husband, my 20th business, podcast. my book and my book. “
He went on, “just as I learned on the road in this Franchise and fans, I want to reveed the most straightforward things to me: Designing, Returning women and raising my family.”
Minkoff told Us that he felt that his science served as his swoy Turondo The story line after his receiving Capmates failed to give to the idea that they had a desire to learn more about religion.
“It was always done, as Byllnn [Whitfield] He says, ‘I like to play shocking sports. I would like to promote the pot, ‘”is suspected that Minkoff said his belief was evident during sorting.
During the episode expressed in October 2024, the Whitfield brought Science and Jessel Taank During the backdrop to Hampton. Minkoff used the incident as an example of highlighting his point in the introduction of his religion in the exhibition.
“I think it’s sometimes brought you on the helicopter, had been late for the rest of the day, and was not made of care,” Mikoff said Us. “And we met. So, do I get inside and ask you your religious beliefs before you haven’t met you? Don’t know.
This episode will later create a conversation and MITKOFF intervention as, “as I talk to the housekeeping deal for me,” Which Mittoff called “annoying” during the second reunion episode.
During reconnect, Minkoff and returned to FAN who said they should “stop making normal religions” by talking about the SonSecology in the show.