As a nearby Australian election, Peter Dutton has a “trump lite ‘method

It is called Trump Playbook, Trump card, Trump method, campaign as “Donald Trump Lite” Even “Trump full.”
The election time warms Australia, where the opposer leader, Peter Dutton, has been heard as much as President Trump. Uninstalled “alloy Brigade” Banks, Food stores and corporate pubs for dealing with natural and natural problems. He has cried with “DinanchinChinchanched and is classified” with diversity programs. And you set down shadow shadow of government work.
Mr. Dutton, the head of politicians, hoping to discuss the Prime Minister Anthony Albony Dutton accused him of being distracted by the issues of “renewed” issues, such as indigenous rights, coping with the higher rates and unable houses.
But last week, the following voting was the extension of the approval of Mrnu Alban shortly since they began in 2022. Fifty-seven percent of the following Newspoll examinations have been unable to work. Comparing the head to the head to Mr Dutton to close Hu Alkanese, a sign that his political messages received at least some detail.
“My favorite of Dutton does not live on the phone,” said Louise Pridham, 57, retired nurse living in the Cronullan area. He and his husband, Nigel Pridham, a 57-year-old builder, said they were Trump fans but heard some of Mr Dutton messages, when Mr. Pridham agreed that a trump like Trump.
Ms. Pridham said there were many people who knew they were symbolic to see him about Mr Dutton. “You say like that. No shipping is in.”
Parallels between Mr. Trump and Mr Dutto, who was 57 years old ever known for his difficult situations in transportation and testing of Asylum, supporters and scientists. Mr Dutton never left behind Arenion; On Friday, he sang the diversity of government and attempts to install, the after hours of Mr. Trump, without giving evidence, dei policies that conflicted with deadline without Washington.
“Advertised positions and suppliers’ positions and advisers and internal communications experts,” Mr Dutton, referring to government opening. “Such positions, as I say, do nothing to improve the daily life of Australia.”
Mr. Dutton’s office did not respond to the requests of comment.
Mr. Back to Mr.
But in Australia, very sad influences. In 2019, the survey learned that the foundation of preserving Australia was largely accompanied by Hillary Clinton supporters in the United States than Trump supporters. Last year, of the fifth of Australia voters in Australia tested if they were selective. Trump Kamala Harris if the US election has been to them.
Mr Dutton made his resignation “in the early 2021, as the Minister of Defense stopped events when staff dressed in the rainbowing clothing to support LGBTQ awareness.
Two years later, the Conservatives are given a minute that is watered in the Australian culture. In 2023, a proposal to give Australia in the Native Word of Parliament in the form of counseling is refused on voters. It was a national effort, Elacanase, and his opposers were arguing, the people of Australia felt that he had invested a lot of the sins of the world.
One of the complaints of Mr Dutton has been defending his Australian Day, Mr 26 Commenting an annual holiday holiday British day occurred in the Sydney area. In recent years, people who see themselves as the brutal colonial celodean rabbit invoke to complete the vacation or send it on a different day.
But a survey of last month with Sydney Morning Herald has found that 61 percent of Australia Sealing to keep Australians as it is.
Mark Kenny, Director of Australia Studies Institute in Australia National University, Mr Dutton Mr Dutton released a practical foundation, which he saw that they were left economic shifts, including the decline in making. Those voters feel released their traditional political leadership on the left, he said.
“What is that there is a long-minded type of satisfaction, apathy, unconditional,” he said. “When Dutton says that it is ‘wake up,’ it is lazy and empty, but that doesn’t matter. People can not paste their thoughts.”
Mr Dutton would be successful by combining the repositors. That is because the voting is compulsory in Australia, by threatening a fine of inconsistency, and the Autrout usually exceeds 90 percent.
Just as some Mr Trump languages ​​and priorities, Mr Dutton has drawn a line to others, resisted pressure from the coalition partner to campaign for transgender matters. He also revealed that he will not consider withdrawal in Australia in the Paris, Accord Accompo International.
In GRAE TURNER, the professor of the Emeritus of the University of Queensland books, the use of Mr Dutton, and Redoric’s Rhetoric.
“I can’t doubt that you can find a politician who can explain the word ‘wake up,’ said Mr Turnner.
The snatch on the Australian day continued last week. Sussan Ley, deputy leader of Mr. Dutton, commented on this holiday compared to British Colonitimers until you can resolve the mars. “They did not come to destroy or exalt,” said, in the comments immediately and was sealed.
The day before, when Captain James Cook first arrives in Australia in 1770 – now country park – families were attacked in grassy walls and enjoy leisure, afternoon.
“It would not like you to change the day because it is not a great thing,” said John Gallop for a holiday that causes so much conflict between politicians. He said they visited the first visit to the first 50 years in Sydney, and that he had already decorated his wife, from the Philippines.
“There is so much we need to change in Australia,” he said.
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