Merz vows saved ‘lead in Germany forward’ between the big backlash flock
Friedrich Merz, the most popular in the Next German Pencil, said Monday ready “Leading Germany, as his Christian democracy (CDU
“We are ready to Lead Germany,” said Merz, trusted “work without delay and face the causes of disabled problems [Germany] so long. “
While the CDI / CSISi’s coalition leads to votes in February 23 approximately 30%, since the firefighter was taken when using parliamentary movement last week it costs strict migration laws.
The votes are conducted after Merz broken the Taboo Long-Last German politics will be released.
A 69-year-old decoration found a thunderstorm from the Berlin conference, which agrees “in a nearby system” to succumb to the rising economy or improve the economy.
Anger for the right support right
Memz’s group received a major criticism in recent days after passing in the bundag in the Bundastag, a German parliamentary house, votes from the front of German (AfD).
Critics blame Merz for breaking the “long” legislation, after his disposal system to deal with illegal immigration is protected by most Wednesday because of the relevant team support.
Another Migration Bill presented by reduced guards carefully to protect most of Parliament on Friday, as the law makers from CDU did not place their votes.
Protests against Memz’s movement in the other side of Germany, and 250,000 who were attending large march in Berlin a week.
Another demonstration of Monday outside the Conference Center CDD in Western Berlin, and police reported about 450 protesters.
Merz also curbed work with AfD
In his speech on Monday, Merz dominated working with the AFD.
“There will be no cooperation, there will be no tolerance, there will be no small government, nothing,” he told the delegates, without directing the last week vote.
Since Merz were speaking, several Greenpeace activists in the audience lifted up the individual characters to study “fire.”
Security staff tried to stop the action and accompany the activists from the hall.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz attacked CDU / CSU Monday, opposing the right right Bloc Feed to acknowledge the restrictions and enable additional security rules.
CDU / CSU “within an accident,” said Skolz in Brussels at EU leaders’ conference.
These laws prevent illegal migration and improve internal security must be approved before the election, “Add.
CDU Carsten Linnemann general secretary declined criticism in the shelters, which opposed Scholz’s unity of the worst Federal Federal Federal Government. “
“Let’s not let anyone tell us who was right at History. It was,” Linnenenmann was added.
Bavavir Markus Söder Prime Minister said only the CDU / CSU Alliance can grow the growth of AFD.
“We must not leave our country in AFD,” said Söder, his own social brantia (CSU) only in the CDU at national level.
He stressed that Firewall was not broken. “We keep saying no, no, no in any kind of cooperation with the AFD,” said Söder.
MERZ Economic Policy Explains
Merz has spent a large economic policy, some of the total total govern the voters’ concerns before the election.
The complete home of Germany, the indication that is often used for measuring economic activity, refuses the second year in 2024, and only government expects less growth this year.
The maintenance leader has called up economic and energy policy on the left hand and the left-handed government, saying the same way “will destroy the center of our economy.”
Merz promised the conversion of the course to enhance the competition that his protected block won the election, funneling the red tape of the National and EU tape and EU.
He also also produces the importance of the weather changes, promises to do so depending on the technical solutions instead of “Apocalytic Horror Scarios.” The previous opponient Heating Act is the current government to remove household warmth from electricity to the renovation to meet outstanding weather conditions.
Merz rejected the demands of the week of time for four days and asked for the conversion of the Despectal of Databases.
Friedrich Merz, chairman of the Christian Democratic Union in Germany (CDU) and Chancellor Elections, Waves in the Lancelo After his speaking at the Federal Party conference of CDOR 37th CDU. Michael Kappeler / DPA
Friedrich Merz, chairman of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and Chancellor elections, referring to the CDAR PTRI’s Federal Party conference. Michael Kappeler / DPA
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