Why the Iran State looks at Shakier

MeIt was a few months of Iran and its ability to threaten its district rivals and enemies. The Israelite safety warriers disabled Iran leadership of the great power of Iran: Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah Elebenon. Bashar al-Assad’s Government is not just expensive Iran is the most important of its ally but is determined by the method used to donate hezbollah with weapons and support. Houkhon rebels continues to attack traffic by the Red Sea, but mature Israel has won the Direct Hits in the fight, including within the Yemen itself. Iran also saw that Russia, its most important type of Russia outside the Middle East, focused on Ukraine that Moscow needs passed. In short, Iran has seen the fall of its regional Kingdom in proxy-the supposed Axis.
The Israelite Premier Benjamin and Tanyah ordered directly in the Irani region in 2024, knowing that it was small when Tehran could do it to retaliate. Donald Trump, a man left revealed that Iran answered only the “great pressure only,” now is also president of the United States. He does not want the rest of the expensive war and Iran, but they will look very no sign that their leaders can try to pressure the nuclear bomb. There is also temptation, versely on the US side and Israel, to extend the great pressure from the military action.
Iran’s home problems can be highly risk on the Repholic Republic of Islam. Their anointing economy works in a string. The amount of its Farilities, inflations last for about 30%, and the broad range of Iran people are understandable.
Read more: Cleaned overseas, Iran is also placed at home
The recent community confusion focuses on the force of the powerless power of the blacks and the closure of schools and businesses to maintain natural gas, which gives most of the country’s temperature. The economy has been wrong and mistreated that Ran, with final gases in the world, which are dealing with a lack of severe gases. (Iran is burning on the right, and contains the most polluted cities in the world.)
The ongoing efforts of the state of renewal of the DRACANONIA’s social laws and research calculations establish a man showing a protest that gives 2022-2023 protest, life, freedom “. For many policies in Irani, which compels the wrath laws of laws that require the women wearing the hijab adding to the injury by Iran’s Conform. Only 50 percent of the voters participated in the Presidency of the President last year, the lowest Iran number. Satisfactory is now combined among the Hardiner’s Hardliner supporters, frustrated that Iran does very little to save the object in Moscow. Iran spent billions in recent years to strengthen the Assad’s power to survive the civil war. Investing now has been burned.
It has fallen in Masoud Pezeshkian, “Iran Reformist” president, treating this failure. Mature President has the most important support for the High Lighthor Alianei and the strong political Spirit of Parliament Mohammad-Bager Ghalibaf. But the growing number of Iranians, once hoping that Pezehkian can bring a positive change, now see him as a weak leader.
And by the background we approach a great question: Who will take power when Hikhandanei, now 85 and live, die? Empowered in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps and the establishment of the clergy has arrived for years to prepare for receipt. But this will be the first passing of Iran power since 1989 and the second is 235 years of 235 years.
Some inside the US governments and the government of Israel say that the state in Tehran is close enough to end the right-time oppression. However, Iran is a damaged lion, its beautiful Arsen and its drone arsenal keeps its fibers sharp. If his leaders felt overlapped in the corner, abroad, or at home, they could no longer take a multilingual action – and pull another war. That is what Iran’s weaknesses can be a problem in the world.
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