Ukraine says at least 18 citizens killed with strikes

The Ukrainian authorities say two planes are the first day of the first 18 citizens, one of the highest prices at a time and a painful monument to be encouraging.
The first strike occurred on Saturday morning when a Russian archer struck a building in Ukraine in the Ukraine in Poltava, about 150 miles away from the front row, killing at least 14 people, according to other local emergency services. The videos appeared after the incident showing part of the building extended into rubbish, clothing and scriptures that scattered in the area.
A few hours later, Ukrainian authorities said the Russia’s bomb beated at the Sudzha school, a city in western Russia under the Ukrainian control, killed four people.
The Russian Defense Department charged KwaFLA at the Sudzha strike and did not cope with POLTAVA attacks. There are no stroke claims that can be confirmed independently.
Ukrainian authorities said that about 90 Russian citizens of war nearby were illicued at school where this happened. Oleksiy Damytrashkivkyi, spokesman at the area, saying the fourth-down messages for those who were killed and 10 were injured.
“They destroyed the building even though most of the citizens were,” President President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine said on Saturday night at the telecommunications post, emphasizing that those were two of Russia. “He shares the ruins of the ruins and the people who are covered in the dust, waking up in attacks against attacks.
Sudzha, a town near the Ukraine Border in the Strasen region of Russia, was captured by Kyiv’s troops during the last summer border attack and has been refused by Ukraine.
Saturday – Impressive cities near the front row and kill people from both warring people – emphasizes the fair value of war civicents. As the Russian Attack began about three years ago, more than 12,300 citizens killed, the UN chief executive shortly before Christmas.
The United Nations marked the sharp increase in a deadline year ago because of the use of long drones, arrows and bombs. Cities are already considered safe – such as Lviv, west of Ukraine, and Polva – now face attacks. In the KYIV, the Russian Puzz on the flying is now clicking on the night.
Denys Kliap, a free director and who can be made in the volunteer group, said he and his colleagues rushed to an attack site when they heard a blast, to find a mass of rubbish and the fireplace. He recalls: “I have heard a wonderful cry for the people,” she recalls. “People were murmuring between the debris, shouting with help.”
When he approached the bodies of the building, Mr. Kliap, 26, and the body of a woman torn. Inside, Partner found another woman with an open wound, too much bleeding. One citizens were in a shock, he said.
Pictures from emergency services revealed that it fell down to the building premises. Some apartment rooms are left miraculousally, its doors opens on a space left in neighboring apartment. Armed clothes in vain, stopped in metal bars and strings.
On Sunday morning, Ukrainian emergency services are still searching for the rubble left for the MISUSA strike before. They said to save 22 people. Mr Kliap, speaking of telephone from the site, said the relatives of citizens were gathered there, hoping the survivors.
“But the redemendors often find dead bodies,” he said.
The strike at Politaava renewed the memories of the background, September, in the teaching of 50 people, many of whom were killed. Russian arrows had beaten Academy for minutes after the blooming alarms. “Last year, the feeling of an accident between Poltrava citizens have increased,” said Mr Kliap.
Ukrainian authorities urge their Western partners to provide some air arrows and programs to protect Ukraine cities. “We need better protection – air weapons, long weapons, and destruction of stress,” Mr Zelensky last week, Russia was sent about 50 mins, more than 760 bombs.
Russian citizens have found themselves at risk of Russia in Russian, where Ukrainian armies have been fighting, and as governed in Ukraine aimed at the foundations of soldiers and oil buildings within Russia.
Thousands of citizens were arrested in the early days of combating, and many have stayed in a Ukrainian area since. Since the Russian armies progressively continued attacks to return their land, continuous wars and risk.
Yuri shyva reported reported.
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