Israel destroys the Western Benin Buildings after killing an elderly person | West Bank News

Israel has destroyed many buildings in the West refugee camp, after its armies killed a 73-year-old man, the Palestine Department said.
At least 20 households were destroyed in Sunday, in the strongest of Jenin and the surrounding cities, Palestin News said.
Al Jazoa Arabic conversations added that this explosion makes a place to live in the Ad-Damj camp.
The Israelite soldiers confirmed the attack, and the number of “several buildings” at Jenin “were used as a terrorist infrastructure”, without giving a witness. It is added to kill Palestine Fighters in West Bank from mid-January.
In an unique incident in the West West, the 27-year-old man named after Mohammed Amjad Hadiash, Palestine Health and Palestine Red Crescent health service.
The Israelite soldiers began abused in the west bank in West last month, called “Iron Wall”, focusing on Palestin’s Palestin groups in January 19.
The Sunday explosion marks the increase as Israel is becoming increasingly developed by Palestine infrastructure.
“The sounds are terrible,” said the resident Jenin Henna Al-Haj Hassan told Al Jazeera by telephone about explosion.
Hassan said he and other Jenin residents faced a continuous attack on two weeks. He also added that the time of arrival at home was located in the area, with shops and other closed entities.
Jenin’s Hospital Director Wisam Baker told the hospital’s other parts of the hospital, but there was no reported of the reported.
Many families are now delivered because of the demolition, the media said.
Ahmed Tombasi, another resident Jenin, said the houses in the Jenin camp “did not really find the infrastructure.
“The Israelite armies do not need to reject our houses and hold back,” says a jenin jenin resident.
“This is the longest, oldest of the Israelite army, especially [refugee] The camps, because they want to kill and make a Palestine Life charge case. “
He added: “It is not about terrorism; this is normal, people living – and when you talk to one house, it is not one family living there. Ejinin Camp, you get one house with three and four families.”
The old man was killed
The explosion occurs after a 73-year-old man in Jenin’s refugee camp, said Palestinian health work on Sunday, recent injuries of the recent attack in Israel.
“The army of Israel has begun to block the road and some of the western bank checkpoints and at least 27 Palestines were killed.
“Many of them do not live, including a two-year-old girl who was shot while eating dinners at home with her family, and the 73-year-old man shot the Israelite troops this morning.”
The Witnesses reported a great shipping of Israeli troops on Sunday morning around the villages of Tubis and Tamun, Southeast of Jinin.
The army said it was early on Sunday that the “shrewd group” had begun to work around Tammun and bully weapons.
It added that it was expanded to the operation of “Countermorism” to five villages.
It also distributed Arabic tracts that surgery was intended to ‘eliminate armed criminals, Iran’s lackets “.
The Israelite government blames Iran, backbacks in the Middle East in Middle East including Hamas Gaza, trying to send weapons and money to armed westerns.
The operation of Jenin Israel forcibly forced 15,000 Palestinians.
Cabmers living in the cemetery, Mosque
And on Sunday, the foreigners snatched the cemetery in the city of Liwan, in the southern Eastern City in Mpumala, under the Israelite protection of the Israelite, evidently.
The sources of the area quoted by the Palestine news agencies said the residents cut out that the city were in the cemetery and ruled.
At that time, Palestinian shops reported that all night, the mosque in the Arab-Mlehat village, northeast of Jericho, were burned with fire from the foreigners.
The Palestine Foreign Ministry was criticized this attack.
The patriarch’s residents and the palestines were growing across the bank in west as Gaza war started in 2023.
Soldiers or Solters killed at least 882 Palestinians since the start of the war, according to Palestine Health Ministry.
These residences are illegal under international law but continue to expand across the West Wall Wall and East Jerusalem with the full support of the government of Israel.
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