Dem Bill accused of wildlife damage to Fossil fuel out of oil, holding the oil and gas industry

California Democrats are trying to create Woile oil companies and gases earned by Los Angeles Firfimfires, saying that the oil gasoline that should be suspected of a terminal disaster.
The new democrat Bill, which is inexpensive Democrat, if transferred, can allow “weather disasters,” and insurance groups to damage the damage under the claim.
Democrat State Sen. Scott Wiener, who presented the law in this week, said the petrol companies should pay fire damage, because they “drove the weather conditions.”
“The people of Californians should not only pay the costs of past year’s disaster risk Floods to the lines, we know that the Fossil Full Culture is responsible for disaster risk,” said Stale Sen. Scott Wierer in a post to X to announce the law.
Trump meets California residents, fire officials and law to see the damage to the wildfire
The flames appeared in the second fire burned in the building in Sunt Boulevard in the midst of a strong storm in Jan. 8, 2025, in the Pacific Palides Los Angeles site. (Apu gomomes)
The Bill, receiving the support of several national legal resources, comes as Democrats tried to blame the latest fires in climate change rather than the state policies and town, facing the process of delicate criticism in weeks following deadly fire.
Just months before the wildfire, the city of Los Angeles killed a fire departmental money for $ 17 million. The chief of the fire said no “Firefighters in La County deal with four different fires of this question.”
Newloom Thank you Trump to California to visit fire damage in Tarmac face
“Our high-speed hydrates. Our plants were empty. Fosterers wrote on the post office to x. “@Masorofla @gavinnews

President Donald Trump and Lady Orrity Lady Trump visited a dangers in the Pacific Palikes in Los Angeles in Jan Angeles in Jan Angeles Ngal 24, 2025. (Mandel Ngan)
Trump uses his pen in this week to sign the rule of the Empire to build water availability in LA.
At a convention of Sunday, Trump called for the Local Water Affairs, such as the Kwa Reform Legisition (ESA), seeking to reduce the fish species to protect certain fish forms to protect certain types of fish. Protecting certain fish species to protect certain types of fish to protect certain types of fish protecting certain fish species to protect certain fish species to protect certain types of fish to protect different types of fish. Some of the fish protecting certain fish species to protect certain types of fish to protect certain types of fish, such as Delta Smelt.
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The order is just a few weeks after Trump accuses gov. Cavin Newloom, D-Calif.
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