3 tiger cubs caught camera in Thai National Park for the first time

National Park in Thailand has one reason but three reasons to celebrate after confirming the unusual tiger tiger to grow the trio of a protected area.
Park Rangers first saw a single cub and the mother’s music last year at Kaeng Krachan National Park, approximately 80 miles southwest of Bangkok.
But some Footage, only found this week and cameras damage the main rain last year, confirmed that garbage is three powers.
Kaeng Krachan National Park
“It is the first time we write a tiger raising three lambs in Park National Park,” Krachan National Pay Chief Mongkol Chicakdeee in a statement sent to AFP on Friday.
“We could only return the footage this week because our camera was damaged because of the rain last year.”
Camera Trap Footage shows three cubs shrinking in the woods while their mother is around.
The Feline Family Video taken in July published by National Park on its Facebook page on Wednesday.
“Based on the timeline, we estimate the Cubs is now six months old,” Mongkol said.
The park was later announced in the social media that was launching a three-lamb design competition, with awards donated to people who submit wins.
The six old Bengal older tigers are currently in Kaeng Krachan National Park – UNESCO World Heritage site is spreading over the border with the border with Marymar – two men, two sexual co-sexists.
To see the Bengangal Tiger tiger rare.
However, the Paki officials saw another Tiger of Bengal in Buri Buri National Park, south of the Bangkok City, at the beginning of the year. It was the first look of the animal in that city ten years, according to Thai authorities.
Park Chief AtThapong Pao-on telling the Bangkok Post that the tiger had seen after the groups were added to the wild camera traps to monitor the area.
“The Bengal Tembers are not just a powerful deer, but also a reflection of natural resources,” he told the post.
Thailand has one of the remaining few things for breeding at Bengal tigers, wandering in a few countries, including India, Nepal, Russia and Bhutan.
Begal tigers organized as vulnerable to international risk environment to maintain a Red Natural Risk (IUCN) of threatened species due to hunting and sanitation of wildlife.
Today, almost 4,500 is estimated to stay, according to IUCN.
The achievement of conservation of environment has increased the Bngal Tigers in India and Nepal in recent years.