TRUMP PEDEDGES TO RURCHANGE Collekeepers Non-citizens participating in Pro-Palestine protests
US President Donald Trump signed a great command on Wednesday to fight antisemitism and promised to discuss college college students and other stakeholders in Pro-Palestine protests.
The fact sheet by ordering “instant action” by the US Justice Department to persecute “all the resources in our campuses campuses and roads” from OctE 7, 2023 in the Palestin Group Hamas.
“For all the brothers living in Pro-jihadist protests, we put it on the comment: Come 2025, we will find it and we will expel you,” says Trump on paper.
“I will quickly cancel students of all Hamas empathized by college compasses, which are broken by raditicisms than before, President promised the campaign of 2024 campaign.
The scholar says the order would not happen in the Constitution
Official groups and official scholars said the new rate would violate the official language rights and may be drafting legal challenges.
“The first amendment protects everyone from the United States, including international citizens of the US universities,” said Carrie Decell, senior Tendment Fundute in Columbia University. “Examine the citizens on the basis of their political talk would not have been the constitution.”
The American-Islamic relationships, a large group of Muslim Advocacy, said it would consider the challenge of the court if Trump was trying to use.
The Hamas Attack and Israel’s subsequent attack on Palestina Coast in Gaza leaded to a few months of the fiery campaigns of Palestine that camped in the US college campuses. Permit rights to write criminal criminal surgery and incidents directed to Jews, Muslims, Arabs and other people of Middle East.
The order requires agency leaders and departmental leaders to provide for the White House in all days in all criminal and criminal authorities. nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa nokulwa and fight against fighting against fighting against fighting against fighting against fighting against fighting against fighting against fighting against murdering antisemitism, according to truth safety.
It requires the establishment and analysis of all K-12 Courts that include K-12 Schools, universities and the rights and widespread rights to address the objects that contradict the “external students.”
Many Pro-Palestinian protesters denied Hamas or performed antiquis events, saying they showed against military attacks in Gaza, where the health officials said 47,000 were killed.
MAYA Berry, the Executive Director of the Arab American Institute, NonPartisan Civil Guights, said the party was serious about the criticism of Israel’s allegations of criticism of Israel. Berry said the order would have an excellent impact on free speech in the US
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