Asteroid Rubble Harred by SPACECRAFT consists of new directions about the origin of life

Eventually, scientists finally looked at the debris collected by NASA Spacecraft from asteroid. In it, they have received new guidelines about life’s ingredients that were located in the first solar system and how they may have come to the world.
A group of scientists have issued some of the findings about samples collected by NASA Spacecraft Suriser-Rex from Carbon-Earth Carbon-Rich Asteroid Bennu in 2020 including Back from the world by 2023.
Bennu, a rich asteroid nearest as 300,000 kilometers in the world, was part of ancestral asteroid of the first 4,5 billion years ago. As a result, scientists can mean what molecules are required for life there is in the first solar system.
“The Asteroid is like frozen time capsule,” Kim Tait, the high Microogy Courtator at the Toronto Museum in Toronto and the author of the new classmate.
NASA’s spacecraft goes down asteroid and touched a short time a place to collect a few Cosmic dust. Michael Daly, Holy Scientist of the Asstoid area, answer some questions from two special guests.
What Scientists Receive You From Asteroid
By examining minerals from the dry asteroid, researchers may have to contain salty water and there were sodium, chloride, seams, reported on Notel, reported Tuesday, reported on Tuesday. about Kind. The crystals seem to do how he does the salt of Lakes on earth.
Different Eveal Analysis is important for health receiving amino acids, including 14 of 20 are used to build protein in living organisms. It also received all five nucleobases or RNA building blocks and DNA, investigators reported Natural nature.

“We now know how the green life ingredients included the most interesting ways of interest,” Tim McCoy, a meteorites’ curator in the Natural Museum and the New Mineral Study, said on issuing news.
Tait said those molecules based on carbon invented the “so salty, salty, did not expect at all.”
Studies add to evidence from meteorites including Another asteroid Samppling Mission, Hiahaba2 of Japan Space AgencyThat stone car can carry the necessary water for life and living buildings such as amino acids and nucleobases.
The space capsule holds the rare pieces from the Assyroid Bennu was successfully thrown back to the world on Sunday. Scientists think asteroid can contain clues to how life on earth is made.
What to say about the origin of life
The investigators write In the Natural Research Whether conditions to exist in the ancient Asstro appeared “such as an interesting place, but the natural uninvited” to make molecules needed for life. They suggested on running the tests to see that DNA building blocks can build in similar chemical conditions of lab.
“We now know that we have fundamental blocks to build on this way towards life, but we do not know how much nature can allow you to improve,” McCoy said.
Tait added that one of the priorities to look at the sky’s water because it is necessary for life.
He said: “I find that this is very happy, and I hope that it enjoys other people about some opportunities there.”

Tait was part of a practical scientist who had met BWEEKly to discuss and interpret new results from the various parts of the world distributed in global labels.
Canada was part of a group of assteroid Return mission because offer a tool used to calculate asteroid to collect sample.
While the signs that such as the Planet Mars may have water and warm weather, Gordon Weather, says the new findings “may say that … asstoroids may be appropriate for health problems.”
The sign of past water chemicals – minerals called militrates full of hydrate – it was Available during Bennu’s scan is esiris-Rex spacecraft.
But now no water in Bennu, and a new research suggests that it has been moved sometime.
NASA Spacecraft will try to take a sample from the Assyoid Bennu’s face, and Canadian technology has made it possible to produce a very good place to take sample. NASA ASTROID LANDING, ASSTOID BENDH, Canadian Tech Nasa, Canadian Asteroid, Asteroid Samples, Canadian Samples, Canadian Space Tech, Aaron Saltzman
Some of the other questions related to the origin of the health of life wanted to explore and this mission is why the amino acids may come to the “left” chemistically found on the left-form.
The investigators reported to the New Natural nature Learn that amino acids collected in Bennu in both left and left areas in equal amounts.
Osinski said scientists were sure to say, “But it is part of the question” by suggesting the left hand of life may be a majority of Bennu – molecules.
Osinski, researching the Meteorite results may have played a role in the well, said scientists have placed asteroids that are good asteroids and bring life blocks into the world.
And in fact, Water evidence, protein building blocks and DNA building blocks and RNA have previously found in meteorites, including arrival in Canada.Ro the meteorites may be contaminated with water and life on earth.
An exciting thing about the samples from Bennu to be collected in space. “And they are perfectly pristines,” Osinski said. “So we know that something is found in these samples that come from it and are built in this asteroid or there in the solar system.”
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