Rwanda Revels of Rwanda took flights at the airport in Goma, the largest city of Eastern Comego
The rebels held the East Congo airport, Goma, on Tuesday, cut the main way to find the hundreds of people who received the hundreds of people who were dropped, after taking the city on the street.
The M23 Fighters came into Goma, the capital of North Kivu, on Monday ascended from the 2012 five struggles focused on a remote extinction from Congo Mineral crashes.
Congo Capital Kinshasa, 1,600 kilometers in western Goma, protesters attacking the United Nations CombeND and embassies, including those in Rwanda, in France and the United States. The robbers attacked Embassy Kenya.
Goma is a large organization of people removed from other parts of the eastern Congo and the help groups that they want to help. The war sent thousands of people distributed outside the city, including some who were safe when it appeared in M23 for annoying since the beginning of the year.
On the other side of the border in Rwanda, trucks poured out a large number of people who flew from Goma and children and bundles threatened into pieces.
The Congola government and the Head of the peace-maker the Rwanda soldiers were present in Goma, supporting the M23 Allies. Rwanda said it was defensive from the threat of Congo soldiers, without direct comment that their armies crossed the border.
A number of military offenders
Goma and UN resources said many donated soldiers, but some soldiers and the governmental soldiers were in charge. People in several neighbors reported the small Arms fire and higher explosion on Tuesday morning.
“I have heard a gun break from midnight so far … From the airport,” the old woman in North Majengo Majengo, near the airport, telling Reuters by phone.
The M23 rebels said they captured the Goma, the largest city in Mpumalanga Congo, as the United Nations described ‘a huge shock’ among its two million people.
Most of the fighters focused on the airport, and on Tuesday afternoon said the security sources and security said it was completely controled, putting them in charge of an important link in the outside.
“Worked at the airport, classmates and Congo-host army started property,” said Congo Christoph Vogel, adding that there was no effective access to road or boat.
Reports of Rape, robbery
Jens Laerrke, spokesman UN office, told the Geneva’s nutrition that colleagues reported that “the small fire crossed a dead fire on the streets.”
“We have reported rapport reports, including equipment … and human relief institutions are beaten,” he said. Some international aid officials described in hospitals are frustrated, treated by the roadways.
François Exporillo, the World’s World Econgo Committee, telling Khekakers Medical Medical Medical Medical Medicine and is worried about dangerous bacteria, stored.
“If it should be hit in any way it can affect the building’s integrity, this may allow germs to avoid, represent a major public health problem without the boundaries of the” Congo, said.
At Kinshasa, angry crowds chewed antiridaries and attacked ambassadors in several countries in Rwanda, set fire to tires and buildings. Police shoot gas to distribute.
“What is Rwanda in line with France, the US and Belgium. How often do the Congongo people become tired. How often should we die?” The protesters Joseph Ngay said.
Rwandan, French, we, Uganda, Kenya, Dutch and Belgian ambulances. The videos are sent to the Internet and confirmed by the Reuters showing hundreds of people who robbed Kenya ambassadors, while others show the robbery they spread elsewhere, including supermarkets.
Fear of wide conflict
M23 The latest recent part of EthnicTur-led-led to the Congo from Rwanda’s 30 years ago killing Tutsis and a balanced hutus, and they are demolished by Tutus, which are demolished by the stomach Rwanda.
Rwanda said other evildoers have been blaming in Congo since the extinction was formed by radiation and the Congolese government, and the accident in Congo Tsis and Rwanda himself.
The push of electricity is our cars driving a cobalt, almost summarized only at the Democratic Republic of Congo. We’re talking to the Siddharth Kara, the Cobalt Red author: How does Congo’s blood rule our lives.
Congo prohibits Rwanda’s complaints, and Rwanda has used its representative to control and robbery of beneficial minerals such as Coltan, used in smartphones.
The UN and Global’s power fearing a conflict that can obtain a conflict of districts, cracking between 1996-97 and 1998-2003 killed millions, especially because of famine and disease.
Corneille and Ani, Congo River Alliance leader, including M23, has lifted the purpose of the rebels to remove President Felix Tease رi and his government in the capital.
UN peace keepers found a war. South Africa said the three troops were killed in Crossfire between the state forces and the fourth and the fourth were defeated by the wounds from the fight, and brought the death value of the 13th week.
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