Mona Lisa to find his room in Louvre Museum Renection

He is the star’s family in a museum full of art, and soon he will find his room.
As part of the louvre of prominence in Paris, the painting of Leonarda Da Vinci Vinci to Mona Lisa will be included in a special shape – the relief of the sweet crowds to catch his subtle smile.
The project will issue “reboot, restored, revoked,” said France President Emmanuel Macron announced on Tuesday, with Monani Lisa looking at his shoulder.
The announcement came after the world’s most visited art musear was warned that their buildings were deteriorated and that excessive fullness needed to be filled.
“Every day, the room is at a major agitation situation,” said Louvre Laurence Des Cars Tuesday Salle Des États, where Mon Lisa is now hanging. “The numbers of the different museum is not a curse, they are a source of pride,” he added. “It is challenging and retrenchment to our public service machines.”
Repairs will include a new department near the seine, ready for 2031, to reduce access to the Department of the Phramisite in the Louvre court in the yard. The museum aims to stay open during the project.
Macron did not disclose or detail of work expenses, which were limited to millions of millions. He has promised that he will not associate taxpayers – an important point for his French audience at the same time where the country is fighting to re-free Balloonononing.
The new entry will be saved by the Museum’s “Personal Micro Resources,” including donations from Louvre Abu Dhabi licenses and income from TICKTIT. Visitors from foreign countries Union will pay the higher access fee from the next year.
The Louvre’s Girst Averhaul was eventually in the 1980s, where PEI’s glass designer and the metal piramid and metal were revealed. At that time, the museum worked to welcome 4 million guests a year. That figure is twice as much: The museum found 8.7 million visitors last year.
The French Presidency said that it was involved in talks about modition. But everything is spilled on the Open last week, with the invitation from the Director of the Museum in the French Culture Minister.
Des Cars warned about dressing and torn apart France, a French chair until 1600s ago. He noted water leaks and “trouble that threatened the maintenance of artworks.” He said the growing flow of guests caused “physical difficulties.”
The memo also asked to find a new monona Limani to better handle the tourists who came to see Him. The 16th century Artwork will be available separately from one museum.
Building a new door, France will set a competition for international buildings and choose a success in the end of the year, Macronon said on Tuesday. The work will include some new rooms increase the museums and infrastructure renewal around the museum.
For a moment when “the power spelling” seems to hold the earth, saying, speaking “with culture and art, I believe, one of French messages that offer the earth.”
He drew closer to Notre Dame Cathedral’s restoration, saying the Louvre project should “and be a new step in the life of the nation.”
After a weekly reset of the week’s week -thverage period when the country was found a political criteria – some critics they saw the President trying to spell his heritage by marking his heritage in Louvre.
His office says it is part of his work to keep the world’s inheritance and pride.
French French money is about 2,200 budget income. That includes kings from the United Arab Emirates to use the product of Louvre Abu Dhabi.
The Macron Office said the full diagnosis of Louvre was sent in 2023, although some incidents, including a burst of the exhibition at the end of that year, accelerating plans.
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