David Marcus: ‘Experts’ in FEMA have failed. Time to put local people in charge of

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North North Carolina, frustration in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Growish into Fever Pitch, with the locals left in reducing, pain, and they are not alone.
President Donald Trump has issued agency leadership and even suggested that it is no longer possible, it may be replaced by some form of Direct Federal Gomer Holy Aid.
On Sunday, CBSs “” Design President JD Vergaret Brennan, when asked for a FEMA masterpiece, that has been an agency “enough state and domestic authorities to receive services from the people they need. “
This was a great complaint I received about everyone in the Asheville area, like Michael, in his 60s live outside the city, “they won’t get what we need.”
Trump scene order is intended to ‘highly improve FEMA functionality, priorities, skills
The whole situation reminds World War II Say: Some generals can read the map, and some know how to learn the soil. Those with two sets are very different.
When the map learners in HQ as a Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery looked at their giant, flat France after D-Day after D-Day, they saw Strice Amma East to Germany. But when the boys in the ground, like Gen Maurice Rose came there, thousands of hectrows were not in the path, and many tanks.
President Donald Trump, OneLy Lady Melania Trump (L), visiting a neighbor Helnanoa, North Carolina, 2025. (Mandel Ngan / AFP)
Rose and other in Tank Corps had to use recycling and new roads. Often this required relying on the brain of the newly released and Nazi.
Happily, the men on earth are given a lot of widths in finding the way American tanks and Starty to continue in Rhine.
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The same thing happened in North Carolina, where FEMA seemed to be absolutely unexpectedly to address the unique and dangerous area of the mountains known as many local officials. Ignoring the local people lead to normal delay and dirt.
Likewise, Florida saw a terrifying situation when the farmer was allegedly accused of leaving houses with large symptoms with unrealistic and experienced signs in Washington, DC
In such cases, one telephone on the local Sheriff or a police officer may have known that, unless there was some form of warfare, the faithful police did not fear as locals.
Back in North Carolina, where FEMA has strive to provide housing, while she is on hotels in the hotels between winter, it is often difficult to lift the winter camps.
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Amazingly, in his conversation with Vence, Brennan emphasized that FEMA had special technology – like Monty, I think – if “KentChisps, Alaomabas will be able to do this without Federal Help.”
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I do not know that Kargaret Brennan keeper once went south, but with good accents, with many trucks down there, and boys who can build things, even if they do not have Ph.D. in the emergency management from a new school, wherever.
The FEMA is a basketball example that the Donald Trump Trumpes president has been elected by the hands of unnatural organization organizations without the Washington Monument and return it to “We Tattle.”
From Covid, inflation, to the border and now on the FEMA, the DC category, born by the best-captured centers now, they have also failed.

Major General Dwight Dwight Dwight (1890 – 1969), the European American commander Theater of war, during his President Roosevelelt, to achieve July 9, 1942. (Pets)
We all know how Wwii disappeared, and kept that way in a large part because while Adolf Hitler was observed and wanted his prisons to do things from the ground.
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This is just as a basic difference in the simplest of Americans, who had been pink just as children should have permanent guidelines, as well as the fully functional, who need help fully.
In the meantime, the future of the North Carolina people will suffer from the consequences of the highest FORA function, but Donald Trump and JD Vento have the future, not professional maps, holders.
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