The rebelliousers say they took Dr Congo City as thousands are running away
Appears of the M23 Movement claims to take control of the City of Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo’s East.
Citizens share the M23 videos that rotate Goma’s major roads that follow the lightning of the Congo army on a week that saw tens of thousands of people fled to neighbors.
After guns of guns and explosions on Goma roads – a home for over one million people – now presented, local media reports.
A number of hours after DKT’s suspected Minister Dkth suspects Rwanda announced the war by sending its armies over the M23 rebels. Rwanda said Kinshasa supports the demigrers who seek the conversion of the State in Kigali.
Kenya called to eliminate fire, and announced that the Presidents of Dr Congo and Rwanda would attend the suburbs summit next two days.
Kenya President William Ruto, the current chairman of the East Africa Community, said the leaders of the Districts was struggling to help prevent a peaceful cure of conflict.
The M23 team has taken large parts of the Monireral-Rice Eastern Congo since 2021. A few weeks ago the group has improved quickly in Goma between a great fight.
Since the beginning of 2025 people are over 400,000 people who have been removed from North and Zivu, in the provinces near the border and Rwanda, according to the UN ‘Refugeee and Aleachee Aleachee Alechee AleChee Alechee Alechee Alechee Alechee Alechee AleChe.
One deleted woman, Alice Feza, said he lost what he had to do next, as he fleeed to Kiwanja, Rusheru, in Kushumba, and now, go.
“People running out everywhere, and we don’t know where we should escape.” Said Ms. . “
Important roads around Goma shut down and the doll airport will not be used to migrate and human efforts, UN.
UN Secretary-General António Gunres Cele Rwanda withdraw their armies in Dr COGE with the M23 rebel team to stop its advance.
Turrers, spokesman for his spokesman, called support to M23 and withdraw in the DRC field. “
This comes after 13 soldiers served by peaceful peace troops killed by conflict with the rebels.
The UK requested that the end of the peacekeepers, and the France Representative, Nicolas de Rivière, called the Gurrer ‘Bava Rerror for withdrawing its troops in Conoci Congo.
Both Dr Congo and UN say M23 Group is sponsored by Rwanda.
Rwanda does not deny this, but the world leaders blame the current Congo.
Speaking at a meeting of the Security Council, represented by Rwanda Ernest Rwamugyo said he regretted the public community who decided to renounce the M23 nation, which means, violated the suspension of a fire.
On Saturday, the UN said that it would pull all its important employees at Goma. Important performance continues in Congo.
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