The Biotech CEO Foretells the “Transformation” of Cancer is near AI

The Sellas Life Sciences official, Angelos Stergiou, says his company is already on the final order of Leukemia, but another goal of cancer vaccinations – may be close, because of the wisdom.
“I think it will be 10 years with medical reforms and a medical research,” said Thursday at “Fox & Friends.”
“When AI begins to play it will let things quickly, and it will be personal. In other words, if you have ai to do the Genomic sequence and, it can create a certain vaccine or treatment, or We can say that this direct treatment will work for the patient. “
Ai-resisted tree for a chatal disease involves the statutes of the law: ‘Important Need’
AI is expected to change ways to treat cancer in the next few years. (Stock)
How long will experts improve? Stergious predicts that the first special vaccine may come up to three or four years.
“It is very important to understand that when you put waste in this algorithm, you will take a great deal of medical public for such a proper way, and it will be a continuous item. The evolution will be.
AI specialist and the “Day Future” Special, Mark Beckman, joined “FOX & FIX & FRIends” on Thursday, calling AI change as “the thought of thinking.”
AI did not highlight that the treatment of the Comna will work, experts said: ‘Happy time in treatment’
Talking to the unwittingly in a curved death, commenting on the AI, Amie research program, designed to help find unusual diseases and work as a doctor’s flock.
“Use the research, and the ability to disclose these diseases and unusual diseases are currently high now, so doctors will use that as a tool to help them examine.”
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