Lee Trevino was at his best, Rory McIlroy at the gas station

Nick Piastowski
Rory McIlroy and Lee Trevino in 2022 at the Open Championship.
Getty Images
I might not watch golf this weekend.
But I’m not … a … golf guy? Yes, I am – and I hope that I am following the sentence above – but this space promises to be honest, and yes, I will just run out of the last holes of insurance to save Farmers Insurance Farmers Insurance I’m out. We are taking a short vacation. Renting a small house in the forest. Using as much effort as you would like to tap.
And watch football. We did it last year. It was basic.
It was a little thing, too.
This week, the conference week of the NFL Conference, marks the week of football playoffs, before it heads to the sidelines in about seven months. We will miss it. But we will enjoy this weekend. And, in two weeks, a big bowl. After that we will count down the days to the next kickoff. What got me thinking about golf. Watching golf, actually. This week, we had TGGG on Tuesday. And the PGA Tour from Wednesday through Saturday. And the DP world tour from Thursday to Sunday. In two weeks, we will have everyone. The PGA Tour. Live golf. The LPGA. DP World Tour. TGL. PGA Tour Champions. Korn Ferry Tour. And we’ll get some sort of golf in mid-December. For me, a golf guy, that’s great; There is never a shortage of content. Yours? For a while, I’ve been wondering not so much about the value of golf, but this:
Have you ever missed it?
Think of baseball’s opening day or the NFL’s opening kickoff. Or kings. He looks forward to those. You know when they come. But do you have a feeling when golf is available almost every day of the calendar? There was talk this week about Dwindel TV ratings. Are people simply overpopulated? If every competition looks ‘big,’ isn’t it theirs? All of this being said, no one seems to be cutting back any time soon, so stick to the year-round menu. And if you need to get away, I know a thoughtful website that will back you up.
With that, welcome back! Where are you, you ask? I’m calling this weekend 9. Think of this as a warm up for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We will have thoughts. We will have some tips. We will have tweets. But only nine, although sometimes maybe sometimes and sometimes less. As for who I am? The above paragraphs tell some of the story. Golf writer. Put the ball on. Fan-the-The-Woods fan.
Let’s see if we can find eight more things.
2. So who do I like in NFL games?
It’s hard not to like favorites. But let’s be happy. He walked away with two road wins. Washington beat Philly for the second time in their two meetings this year – and took an early lead in the first – and Jayden Daniels is special. On the other hand, Josh Allen finally broke.
One take from the week – and the weeks to come
Justin Thomas is calling on PGA Tour players to use an illegal book
Sean Zak
3. There were more Golf TV books this week – with a bang. Justin Thomas wrote one to the other PRORS, advising them to be more ‘kind and friendly,’ thinking that was the ticket to fan interest. Maybe they could do more ‘walking and talking.’ Maybe they could have done more interviews before and after.
“When I have watched documentaries and specials on broadcast services of other sports, where I come to see the main reason that the access you give and the understanding the players give you; their fans and their art,” wrote Thomas. “I’m not interested in finding certain players, teams, coaches before watching shows and games. But the way some of them show their cards and how they do everything makes me even a big fan.”
I agree with Thomas’s thought. More insight is good, and can help. But I think expecting golfers to talk as fast as Shakespeare is a lot to ask, especially while playing. Some are speakers. Some are not. You know who is there.
But if the questions asked are correct? After that, you can find somewhere. Everyone has a story – just have mine. Some advice? Everyone loves a talking shop. Or secrets. Or family. Responses tend to be good for curveballs, too. Ask the Whys and Hows. And no “talking about him.”
4. Did Jason Day read Thomas’ book? It is possible. Maybe not. When we discussed participating in this week’s farmer insurance, he admitted that he might not be the most qualified speaker on the subject. And why is that?
“I don’t know if I’m talking about the tour, you know, and the other guys because sometimes – sometimes the tour reads me emails and I don’t read them. I know there are guys out there who are more qualified than me to answer for that reason.”
5. Golf really needs a Mannicast. Action in the background. News in your ears. Analyze as needed.
Best Non-lolf.com Read for your weekend
IQ & A: New PGA of America Count on what he wants most in the game
Art Stricklin
6. What am I studying (outside Thoughtful prose for colleagues)? This article is worth your click.
Here, GolfWeek’s Eamon Lynch did a Q&A with former PGA CEO Seth, and many of the exchanges were notable, including:
GWK: Are you a career representative for the CEO of PGA Tourprises?
SW: You have to ask them. [Laughs]
GWK: I’m asking you.
SW: I don’t know. I’m not sure they want a 66-year-old guy. There is no expiration date on game maintenance and I want to add something to the game. I’m happy to help in any way I can.
GWK: What would you tell them they need to do?
SW: get the deal done. Make the game work, make it useful. Focus on sponsors. Be respectful and understand the ecosystem. Express them but don’t break all the eggs. It doesn’t have the same money you’re used to. If you were designing a golf course now, would you have International and US bodies? Would you have a trip without the playoffs or the world series? Can you have an organization of 31,000 and a half of five water structures in this game? Can you have a private club and become the most influential organization in the game? It makes no sense, right? You won’t change that overnight. Being a part of that will serve you better in the long run, finding relationships and partnerships. Don’t go in and think you’re going to change something that’s been around for a really long time.
The best teaching tip for your weekend
7. This comes from Golf Toger 100 Teacher Cameron McCormick, via an Instagram post, where he wrote:
“My story of the player of Gary – the year is 2009 and I am studying my first masters. I arrived at the course and we made my way to the Tee 1st to find a round group of practices representing the major tournament of 15. The pairing was the player of Gary, Ernie Els, Retief Goosen. There were also Mr. King players.
“I followed the previous 9 drinks as much as I could. As a teacher & fan of Golf I was taken where he made a team player when he promised the team but also how he proved that he had his game … Actually depending on the situation he and Ernie were going with # 7 Player , Mr. Player & Ernie Misa … MR Player continues for the next few minutes to make a humble pride possible to discuss the feeling.
“Fast forward 4 hours & I found myself at the Augusta National Clubhouse getting a visit from a member friend, walking up the stairs to the second floor, at the entrance to the Champions Locker room.
“No consent is a complete policy unless it is consistent with the previous champion, which is not for my client, so I expected to find this: That was expected to touch: But at the same time as that was done by the action of the player of Mr.
“A short introduction, followed by some thought-provoking discussion… then I’ll come to my question – how was it when you were there #7?
“His answer – At 63 years old as a professional, I got 165 tournaments in six continents in those six years, I worked my tail off to master this game.
“Every tournament I won was a different color, a different feeling … sure there is consistency over time but all my warm-ups were always finding my depth that day. Today I didn’t find it warm … I was trying to find it on the 7th hole … and after playing in tournaments of golf more than anyone else, and I think some golfers who can tell you better are:
“You never own it – you just rent it, and the rent is due every day”
The best YouTube video for your weekend (and one of the best interviews)
8. Here and below, Lee Trevino participated in the “Fulling Up” series hosted by Golf’s Dylan Dethier. As you’d expect, it was full of Trevino’s gems, including a thought-provoking twist on killing flies.
The interview was also good, though. Trevino’s speaker. But, as noted above, you need to ask the right questions and you have to know when to listen, and Tethier does it expertly.
It’s a golf story that I can only do my thing
9. Wait, wait, wait. There’s a Flintstones Golf cart?! Car and Driver’s Brendan McAleer explains here.
10. Nothing – Nothing – Ever beat the Bubba Watson Hover.
What’s live golf on TV this weekend?
11. Let’s do 11 things! Here’s a rundown of live golf on TV this weekend:
– Saturday
3:30 AM-8 AM ET: RAS AL Khaimah Championsit Center Round, Channel Golf
2 PM-4 PM ET: Farmers Insurance Open last round, golf channel
4 PM-8 PM ET: Farmers Insurance Opens Final Round, CBs
– Sunday
3 AM-8 AM ET: RAS AL Khaimah Championship Final Round, Golf Channel
4:30 PM-7 PM ET: APGA Farmers Insurance
What will make you laugh this weekend
12. Let’s do twelve things! This is pretty cool (although some of the words are NSFW). Very good, too.

Nick Piastowski
Editor of Golf.com
Nick Piastowski is a senior editor at Golf.com and Golf Magazine. In his role, he is responsible for planning, writing and promoting news beyond the golf course. And when he’s not writing about how to hit the golf ball away from the Milwaukee Native it’s possible to play the game, hit the ball left, right and short, and drink a cold beer to wash down his score. You can reach him about any of these topics – his news, his game or his beer – at Nick.piastowski@golf.com.