Roe v. Wade is gone, but abortion is still the number 1 killer in the world

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Abortion was the leading cause of death in 2024, resulting in the loss of more than 73 million lives worldwide according to the World Health Organization (WHO). About a million of those were here in the United States where we average over 2,800 premature deaths each day.
Cancer was the second leading cause of death worldwide at 8.2 million, followed by smoking (5 million), HIV/AIDS (1.7 million), road deaths (1.35 million) and suicide (1.1 million).
As in previous years, the data shows that the most dangerous place in the world is in the womb of an unmarried woman. Sadly, three out of ten babies born last year died by abortion.
Of course, you are less likely to see fetal deaths in the data because doing so will force officials to admit that it is human life in the womb.
The Supreme Court’s controversial reversal of Roe in 2022 both saved lives in some states — and abortionists in others. Efforts to include abortion rights in state constitutions have been largely successful. Until voters this past November in Florida, Nebraska, and South Dakota had efforts to support abortion defeated at the polls.
For years, America has seemed evenly divided when it comes to abortion. In fact, depending on how the pollsters asked the question, there are many cases where the data seems to show that there are more supporters than supporters of abortion.
Sadly, recent votes on federal programs and constitutional amendments show the exact opposite. Even in the state of Florida, where pro-life Governor Ron DeSantis was surprisingly re-elected a few years ago, the majority of voters still vote to affirm the right to abortion. The only reason it was defeated last November was because there was a 60 percent threshold for amending the country’s constitution. As it turns out, 57% of Floridians voted for so-called abortion rights.
However, he was released from Roe’s chains, Christians and pro-life Americans, however, have an opportunity to make a case for protecting prenatal life in ways we cannot until the Supreme Court votes to return the issue of abortion to the states.
So, how can we change hearts and minds?
Focus on the Family has a very special service to save babies and their mothers from the tragedy of abortion. It’s called Option Ultrasound.
Option Ultrasound equips pregnancy centers across the country with ultrasound equipment to give mothers considering abortion the opportunity to see their baby in the womb.
Since this program was established 21 years ago, more than 500,000 children and more than 500,000 mothers have been saved from the tragedy of abortion. These are children who could have been killed in the womb but are now living full and successful lives.
As Christians, we must continue to remind the culture that the value of human life is not determined by age, place, ability, or dependence. Human life is valuable because of its unique uniqueness as moral, spiritual, and intellectual human beings, and that uniqueness begins in the womb.
On my daily radio show, I recently interviewed Nancy Pearcy, a fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture and professor and scholar-in-residence at Houston Christian University. He made an interesting point that culture today separates the body from the mind in a way that degrades the body. This dysfunctional divide is what fuels the “hookup” culture and morally justifies abortion.
This heartless idea allows a woman to kill the child inside her, and often even more than once. Research has shown that more than 45% of women have more than one abortion.
Although the world’s morals depress the body, the Bible provides a holistic view. Man is a collective soul. There is a telos or purpose in the design of every created thing. We are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27) and the heavens/creation declare the work of his hands (Psalms 19:1).
As pro-lifers return to Washington, DC later this month to march and voice their support for newborns, we must redouble our commitment to fight for the worth and dignity of the whole person – body, mind and spirit.
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