Did Ukraine suicide their own by collapse Russia? A year later, that was not yet said.

It has been one year after Moscow blames the Russian military plane carrying hundreds of military prisoners in Ukraine. Ukraine turned an investigation, but it has not yet resulted, leaving questions about who is killed, and why.
The IL-76 aircraft crash in the Belgorod in Russia, near the border with Ukraine, causing a series of property during criticism in KYIV.
Russian officials have called the act of “terrorism” and called an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council. Ukrainian officials did not admit or deny them to shoot airplane, and they would not make sure that Ukrainian prisoners were riding. The officials of Americans later examined that Ukrainian troops used a Patriot arrow made in the US shooting, thinking that the aircraft had Russian arrows.
“We have many questions about this condition,” said Sofia Sobolyeva, who believed that his father was in the plane, in the latest conversation.
As the prisoners are waiting for answers, here is what we know about this accident last year.
Accounts are ignorant
The Russian Defense Department said in Jan. 2424 One of the transport of the soldiers were shot when he headed for Belgorod to change prisoners. The Boywane carried the 65 Ukrainian prisoners and no longer survived in the accident.
At first, Ukraine bombed its right to identify Russian soldiers of Russian military area, which was a 2022 attack pladium and used to attack. During the accident, the deadly Russian arrows were attacking the Carkiv, just across the border of the Ukraine, and the KYIV emphasized the need to prevent the attack.
However, soon, the Ukrainian military organization pointed out that a negative mistake, not directly not allowed Ukraine to decline a plane but gave explanations of how it could happen. One Ukrainian official said IL-76, often carrying property, had been used to bring letters and arrows, suggest that it was a legitimate goal.
The organization had agreed that there was scheduled for prisoners in Jan. 24 – But that Russia did not warn the Ukraine that prisoners were taken to the Belgorod airport, as was in previous trade. Russian officials opposed the account, said that Ukrainian soldiers were notified.
Different claims show a lack of constant clarification that has become a clear feature of war. Both sides have reduced their favorite accounts for about three years to fight, and they questioned exposing or confessing obstacles.
It calls an investigation
President Volodymyr of Ukraine urged the intelligence unit to see what has happened and the international investigation into the accident. He blamed Russia “by playing with the lives of Ukraine, the feelings of their loved ones and our society.”
Local Intuection Unit in Ukraine opened the investigation into the incident.
Russian officials have hit the plane crashed into a snowy place near the city of Korochansky region. No independent parties have been able to visit the area of danger; Ukraine requested that the Red Cross and the United Nations have access to.
Satellite images and unsourted Russian video photographs are visible as a crash and debris in the area described by Russia, but did not identify the passengers in photos.
Ukrainian officials asked for the citizens while investigating Moscow claims.
Identify victims
Prisoners have always happens throughout the war, even among the painful battle. But Ukrainian authorities often do not disclose, even in families, names of those who should be released before trading.
Russian authorities did not deter victims of danger during proclaiming. But the names of the 65 prisoners suspected to be in a boarded board on the coordination stadiums by the RT editor, Russian news broadcaster,
A few days later, Ukrainian government organization presided over the prisoners confirmed that the words in the list were like those in the accident. But the agency said he did not have any evidence to ensure that the prisoners were on the plane, or they were dead.
It was at that time, Sofia Sobolyeleva, that her family received a furniture from the Army requesting a meeting. Ms Ksz Soeva’s father was in the Russian captivity since March 2022 – Just after the war – and his name was on the list.
“They collected us to explain the situation, but they did not answer questions,” he said. The authorities promised to investigate “immediately,” said, and they asked for relatives to bring the depiction.
The case went out for months. November exchanges were the first sign of the potential break.
The International Committee of the Red Cross confirmed that he was present in November 8 export transfer. Russia said the transfer included 65 remains killed when Il-76 was demolished, but the claim could not be confirmed independently.
“The ICRC did not participate in the identification process,” the institution said this week answered the questions, adding that we were ready to help authorities with technical support.
Ms Sobolyeva said the families of 65, which formed the WhatsApp group, learned about the transfer and was told by Ukraine authorities that “DNA time was needed.”
Outstanding Questions
The Ukraine Prosecutor and the Security Unit did not respond to New York Times questions about the state of inquiry or if there were any residues found.
But there seems to a little contraction that who has reduced the plane.
The Defense Department in Russia threatens Ukrainian soldiers by blowing arrows from a Kharkiv area in Ukraine. The American officials were reported later that Ukraine used the arrow of the Patriot Air Defense arrow to reduce the plane.
Although Ukraine has not been officially accepted the responsibility, Ms Sobolyeva said that is near the point now.
“Logically, we understand that Ukraine shot her,” she, although “empty.
It is not sure about it that families will ever have answers to some of its questions – like how it happened, and why.
He described his Father as a kind man “and gold hands” – able to fix whatever broken – that would like garden.
“There was great depression and tears, but I still don’t understand what happened,” said Ms Sobolyeva the other lately.
“Now,” he added, “I just wear his black hat, so I feel warm – mentally and physically.”
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