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An illegal stranger in Texas was required for allegedly raping a child returned to Mexico

The US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (Ice) E-Texas restored Mexican citizen in Houston, and was wanted in their country for raping a child.

ICE said on the issues of Nestor Flores Encarnacion, 58, an unreadage of registered immigration, returned to Mexico on Thursday.

Flores, sought for dust at Veracruz, in Mexico, in charge of raping a child, entered the US four illegal.

On Thursday, Ice exiles transport Flores in Juarez-Lincoln Bridge in Laredo, Texas, were forwarded to a cell in Mexico’s authorities.

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Nestor Flores Encarnacion, an unauthorized immigration, restored to Mexico on Thursday. (Ice Houston)

“This foreigner has entered the US in violation of four different four laws from death,” said the Ice Enforcement office director (ERO) in Houston Field Office Ubret A. Bradford. “Dangerous Refugees of Other countries and criminal protesters, or commit crimes such as sexually abusing child sex will not find a safe place in southeastern Texas.”

According to the Ice, Flores entered the US illegal on February 16, 2002, near Rom, Texas, and the next day, was caught by the US Border Patrol returned to Mexico.

But he returned to the US in later Feb. 20, 2002, and two days later in Feb. 22. Both of times, the ice said, was arrested by the Border Patrol police and willingly returning to Mexico that day.

The Trump Group is arrested for hundreds of arrests, including illegal immigrants who are arrested for the daunting consequences.

Nestor Flores Encarnacion

Nestor Flores Encarnacion, an unauthorized immigration, restored to Mexico on Thursday. (Ice Houston)

Flores also entered the fourth in an unknown and unknown day.

By 23 to the Aug. 2024, the exiles from Ero Houston held Flores in Houston residence after receiving notice that he may live in the Houston area.

Ero Houston was also informed that Flores was wanted in Mexico on a charge of rape.

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After being caught, Flores was placed in the movement of abroad and was given permission to travel volunteering by the arrival of the arrival and the justice department on Dec. 19, 2024.

“Our immigrant officials work hard to find and exchanging foreign immigrants in the Houston area of ​​public safety, world safety, and border safety, and they will no longer be returned to the country. The public,” said Bradford.

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