It is an important step in treating premature aging and improving the swing of the ball

Golfers sometimes overextend during the downswing because they don’t know how to rotate their pelvis in the swing.
@MyTPI / X
Early extension is something that plagues many recreational golfers. But despite its prevalence, many weekend warriors either don’t know it exists or don’t understand what leads to it.
If you’re not familiar with the early extension, here’s a quick refresher. In simple terms, early extension occurs when your pelvis moves I was golf ball during your downswing. This mistake causes your swing to go too high or causes your arms to get stuck behind your body during the downswing. Neither is good and both make it very difficult to be a consistent bowler.
We’ve written a lot on this forum about how to treat premature ejaculation, and every drill has its merits. However, sometimes treating the problem requires a better understanding of how good players are avoid it.
For more on that, we turn to GOLF Top 100 Teacher Dave Phillips.
An important step in the treatment of early extension
As we explained above, early extension occurs when the golfer focuses their hips on the ball during the downswing. Elite golfers generally do not have this problem. Instead, they began to descend with a slight friction on their hips target.
Before getting to that point in the swing, it’s important to position yourself well during the backswing. In order to do this, you must properly load on your trail hip.
“If I repent, [my trail hip] they should back off,” said Phillips. “If there was a wall here near my tail, it would go behind the wall.”
Once you get to this point in the swing, you can use a key move that we see in all top players.
“I want the belt to go this way first. it’s actually going backwards but it’s going backwards,” said Phillips. “So I feel like my belt at the top of my backswing is going at a 45-degree angle.”
The best feeling for using this move is feeling like you’re closing your hip for a long time as you shift your weight to the lead side to start the descent. When you do this and drive your hips into the target, you will naturally lower your arms and put them in the best position to deliver a solid hit to the ball.
“A lot of times people feel they have to get on their lead foot,” Phillips said. “What I’m trying to do is re-center it.”
If you have trouble with early extension in your swing, try using this feeling in transition. If you do it correctly, you should be able to keep the club much more in flight and allow you to be a more efficient golfer.
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